Do violin bow strokes and fingering
in Virtual Reality
not in an intimidating way.
Titled Last Martelé, this is an Oculus Virtual Reality(VR) violin simulator and my Master of Fine Arts thesis, presented to the faculty members of the Interactive Media and Games division of USC School of Cinematic Arts. Targeting at endowing an abstract VR simulated experience with certain meaning acceptable to the potential users, I spent three academic semesters independently doing research, conceiving, producing and iterating on this project. The exotic word Martelé(a bowstroke) connotes (but not literally confines) what users will act during the experience; as they simulate doing violin fingering on the left Touch and moving the bow grabbing the right controller, the four-fans shaped User Interface will function as the dynamic score driven by the MIDI power beneath guiding the players' performance along with the melody.
For more information about the MFA thesis documentation, please check the paper in the USC MFA-Degree Thesis Paper section in the Documentation page at:
For more information about the MIDI system under the hood, click on the hyperlink below to jump into the Digital Audio page:
Rhythm Action
Oculus VR
Made with Unity
General MIDI
Researched and implemented the violin bowing and smooth string-crossing gestures recognition in Virtual Reality.
Digested, integrated and adapted a MIDI toolkit taking around 55,000 lines of codes; referred to another one containing around 30,000 lines.
Designed and implementing(Work-in-Progress) the User Interface in VR driven by MIDI messages that will guide users to follow melodies.
Composed a low-poly style forest scene with free assets, soothing users using mellow colors and lights.