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Weenix Kernel Programming
CS402 Kernel Assigns Stress Test

CS402 Kernel Assigns Stress Test

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This is the Stress Test running on the completed Weenix toy operating system originally built by Brown University, which is used as the kernal source code of CSCI 402 (Operating Systems) class taught by professor Bill Cheng from USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Throughout the three kernel assignments for this class, two teammates and I filled in the functions that implement the processes and threads, S5FS File System and Virtual Memory modules that are necessary for this Unix-like operating system to work. Aside from the Stress Test, our implementation passed all the other tests such as those kernel assertions, memory test and fork bomb.

The following screenshots demonstrate some required and additional tests for extra credits on the thirdly iterated Weenix kernel fulfillment (virtual memory implementation). Commands input in the user-space shell are color-coded in yellow and the correct results of execution are dark-gray. The kernel is running on Ubuntu 16.04 inside VirtualBox.

Test Group (B)


/usr/bin/args ab cde fghi j

/bin/uname -a

/bin/ls /user/bin

/bin/stat /README

/bin/stat /usr


Test Group (D)





Essential Data Structure Implementation

List, Singly Linked List, Stack, Queue, Binary Tree, Undirected Graph and Insertion Sort for List implemented in C Language when I was a sophomore taking the Data Structures class taught by professor Jing Zhou (周菁) from School of Computer Science of Communication University of China.

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